The Powerful Impact of Greens…
Can a simple food like “greens” really energize us? As we approach the Spring season, the beauty of green surrounds us. Aside from our lovely landscape, are the edible greens of lettuces, basil, turnip greens, Bok Choy, and many others. You may be more familiar with the typical salad greens, but there is a big variety of leafy greens and herbs. They have amazing power, come in many different forms, and can turn out delicious recipes. Nature sure planned it perfectly since spring is also a time for cleansing and greens help us do just that.
When it comes to “cleansing” our body of toxins, our liver is one of our main detoxing organs. It works daily on eliminating the chemicals we come in contact with in our household products, environment, and even the products we apply to our skin. While we work on transforming our products to more natural choices, we can help our bodies reduce the effects naturally by looking at the foods we eat to support our liver. So how do they make an impact?