Tea, the other “Green”…

Tea, the other “Green”…

With the summer heat and added thirst, it may be easy to eliminate tea from our list of summer drinks, but you may change your mind when you discover the wonders of green tea. First we need to dispel the myth that all tea is dehydrating. Certain teas can not only hydrate like water, but they possess amazing health benefits that have been known to protect our heart and bodies against some diseases with as little as 2-8 cups a day.

Green tea is my favorite with its antioxidants and flavonoids that studies have shown to protect against heart disease, plus vitamin C along with other vitamins and benefits. Matcha green tea is known to be much higher in antioxidants than other “green” teas. So how do we tell if our tea is one with many health benefits?


Gluten Free – Cranberry Orange Oat Muffins

Gluten Free – Cranberry Orange Oat Muffins

As we prepare for our Thanksgiving meal, sides and desserts are in the forefront of menu planning. Whether you have house guests or want an easy, healthier fix for breakfast while scrambling to prepare for dinner, this recipe is a great, make ahead, solution that is both easy and festive! The bonus; it is gluten free plus rich in fiber and antioxidants.

It can also be made ahead and frozen, to have on hand when time is limited. Enjoy!


Sweet BBQ Side

Sweet BBQ Side

Summer barbecues can be fun, but they do have a way of sending our sweet carb cravings into overload. One of my “go to” favorites for balancing sweet cravings with delicious, healthier options is by adding a small amount of sweet vegetables. Think of carrots, onions, beets, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes. There are also those veggies that give that sweet sensation without necessarily being higher on the glycemic index. Those are turnips, red radishes, and green cabbage.

The best part is they can satisfy those sweet cravings while supplying us with the nutrients that can leave us feeling great too! Here is one of my favorite “go to” recipes for a BBQ or summer outing. Some other options: add some parsnips with your fries!


Meatless Monday: Quinoa Salad with Chick Peas & Spinach

Meatless Monday: Quinoa Salad with Chick Peas & Spinach

This is one of my “go to” vegetarian favorites when looking for a light lunch or dinner. Quinoa is a great source of protein and can leave you energized, balancing it all with a serving of greens and the sweet touch of cranberries with their anti-oxidants and delicious flavor. Serve it warm or cold, but if time allows, prepare it a day in advance as this is one dish that definitely benefits from an overnight rest to allow all the flavors to meld, making it even tastier the next day!


Embracing Heart Health…the delicious journey

Embracing Heart Health…the delicious journey

Creating heart health may be a year ‘round focus, but it can be a fun journey to look forward to. It’s shifting our ideas from deprivation to embracing new, delicious and fun food and lifestyles that can leave us feeling that we just may have been deprived in the past!

As we turn February awareness into a plan that can change our outlook for the entire year, a great place to begin is by looking at the fats in our diet. And no, this doesn’t mean going back to the 80’s and 90’s “fat free” craze! Research has now proven that we DO need small amounts of healthy fats in our diet to protect and maintain health for our heart, cells, nerve tissue and brain, in addition to helping our bodies absorb vital nutrients like vitamins A, D, E and K. What does this mean? Adding delicious options to our meals!

This is what it can look like for you…
