5 Foods Affecting Mood/Behavior

5 Foods Affecting Mood/Behavior

With school back in session and the summer fun mostly to a close, how do you get the kids to settle down and focus? The summer activities with less structure may seem like the culprit, but how about mealtimes. Yes, food can affect mood and behavior! Taking a closer look at these five common offenders may even make breakfast and homework time a pleasure!

You may be all too familiar with those mid-morning and afternoon slumps that can send you looking for caffeine or the candy jar. Children can have the same responses to food and when it comes to your child, you don’t want to receive that dreaded note or phone call from school letting you know your child had been falling asleep at their desk or disruptive in the classroom. It may be due to lack of sleep; however, taking a closer look at meals and snacks can unfold the real issues.

Remember the old saying “one man’s food is another man’s poison”? This can hold true as we each react differently to certain foods and ingredients.  Some are known as more common causes of allergies/sensitivities and can leave some children feeling anxious, hyper, and even feeling that late morning slump.  Here are 5 of the major contributors.


Tea, the other Green…

Tea, the other Green…

With the summer heat and added thirst, it may be easy to eliminate tea from our list of summer drinks, but you may change your mind when you discover the wonders of green tea. First we need to dispel the myth that all tea is dehydrating. Certain teas can not only hydrate like water, but they possess amazing health benefits that have been known to protect our heart and bodies against some diseases with as little as 2-8 cups a day.

Green tea is my favorite with its antioxidants and flavonoids that studies have shown to protect against heart disease, along with vitamin C and other vitamins and benefits. Matcha green tea is known to be much higher in antioxidants than other “green” teas.

So how do we tell if our tea is one with many health benefits?                                                          


Simple Summer Flavor with Herbs…

Simple Summer Flavor with Herbs…

Herb gardens sure look & smell wonderful, but to someone who doesn’t garden it may seem challenging, not to mention what to do with the herbs once you grow them. Potted herbs are a great way to start without a lot of fuss. Not being much of a gardener myself, I have found a new love for homegrown herbs and discovering ways to enhance my meals and drinks with them. The best part is, you can live in an apartment or condo and still enjoy your own working garden!

Planting herbs in pots or flower boxes can keep it simple, while enjoying the wonderful aroma they emit. Keep them outdoors within easy access to your kitchen along with a pair of kitchen shears and you are ready to snip your favorite herb to spice up your meal, breakfast, or tea. This is a simple and fun part of losing the “diet” mentality and learning to create foods that not only taste vibrant, but give us that effect when including them into our daily routine. Wondering where to start? Here are a few of my favorites…


Essential Sunburn Relief Spray

Essential Sunburn Relief Spray

One of my favorite go to essential oils is truly “essential” to having in your cabinet, especially after indulging in a little too much fun in the sun. Lavender is typically known for its deep relaxation benefits, its beautiful scent, and soft purple flowers to brighten any day (if you’re fortunate enough to have it growing in your garden)! It has now become my summer “go to” remedy after a fun day at the beach.             


Basil Lime Watermelon Salad

Basil Lime Watermelon Salad


This zesty take on the watermelon salad has become a favorite in our house during the hot summer months. The flavors of the lime, basil and avocado combine well with the jalapeno slices to give it that little punch and make it stand out from the normal summer salads.

Watermelon not only tastes great, then add the fact it contains approximately 90% water, it makes it a good thirst quencher. But don’t let the water content fool you! The nutrients are many including Vitamin A, B6, C, lycopene, potassium, and antixidants. The basil adds many additional nutrients including phytochemicals that may help reduce stress hormones. Between the great taste and boost to our health, it’s a great additiona to any summer barbecue. 
See recipe below…                             
