The Powerful Impact of Greens…
Can a simple food like “greens” really energize us? As we approach the Spring season, the beauty of green surrounds us. Aside from our lovely landscape, are the edible greens of lettuces, basil, turnip greens, Bok Choy, and many others. You may...
Tea, the other “Green”…
With the summer heat and added thirst, it may be easy to eliminate tea from our list of summer drinks, but you may change your mind when you discover the wonders of green tea. First we need to dispel the myth that all tea is dehydrating. Certain teas can not only hydrate like water, but […]
Gluten Free – Cranberry Orange Oat Muffins
As we prepare for our Thanksgiving meal, sides and desserts are in the forefront of menu planning. Whether you have house guests or want an easy, healthier fix for breakfast while scrambling to prepare for dinner, this recipe is a great, make ahead, solution that is both easy and festive! The bonus; it is gluten […]
Sweet BBQ Side
Summer barbecues can be fun, but they do have a way of sending our sweet carb cravings into overload. One of my “go to” favorites for balancing sweet cravings with delicious, healthier options is by adding a small amount of sweet vegetables. Think of carrots, onions, beets, winter squashes, and sweet potatoes. There are also those […]
Meatless Monday: Quinoa Salad with Chick Peas & Spinach
This is one of my “go to” vegetarian favorites when looking for a light lunch or dinner. Quinoa is a great source of protein and can leave you energized, balancing it all with a serving of greens and the sweet touch of cranberries with their anti-oxidants and delicious flavor. Serve it warm or cold, but […]
Embracing Heart Health…the delicious journey
Creating heart health may be a year ‘round focus, but it can be a fun journey to look forward to. It’s shifting our ideas from deprivation to embracing new, delicious and fun food and lifestyles that can leave us feeling that we just may have been deprived in the past! As we turn February awareness […]
Making New Year Intentions a Family Affair…
Settling into the New Year with your new healthy vision is great, but if you have other family members you are preparing meals for, it can quickly get sabotaged making separate meals to satisfy everyone. This is where creating a vision and plan for everyone helps you stay on track. Your goal may be weight […]
Optimal Healing, Part III – Creating Calm
With the holiday season just a week away, comes the need for creating calm in our daily lives. This helps tie in the conclusion of the “Optimal Healing” series and begin our holiday festivities with a plan for less pain inducing foods and practices, leaving time for the true joy in the holiday season. In […]
Optimal Healing, Part II: Supplementing Naturally
Do you find that your body responds more favorably to natural remedies? If so, you are not alone as our bodies are always seeking balance. When we don’t get the needed nutrients from our food, the addition of more natural alternatives can help our bodies achieve this. For many, some synthetic medications may not agree […]