With the Spring season just weeks away, the subject of cleansing and detoxing are hot topics for both our bodies and our homes. When it comes to your body, how do you know if engaging in a detox or reboot program is something you need? There are several signs, but knowing the facts can help you determine this for yourself.
We all build up toxins in our bodies from the time we are infants. They come from many sources, with the more obvious being pesticides, pollution, and chemicals. What many people may not be aware of are the toxins in the foods we eat everyday! And no, I don’t just mean pesticides! The real hidden toxins are in fast foods (yes, even the salads!), packaged and processed foods which contain artificial food colorings, flavorings and sweeteners. Yes, even sweeteners!
What does sugar have to do with it? There are many forms of highly processed sugar found in our cereals, drinks, and snacks that our body cannot utilize so they often are stored as a toxin. When eating these foods, they can have negative affects on such things as metabolism, mental focus, mood, and energy, not to mention our immune system. More and more health issues and auto immune disorders are being linked to toxins, and the worst part is that many of them remain in our system.
So how can we take back control to create a healthier balance?
The good news is that you don’t have to do any extreme juice fast to reap the rewards. An easy, safe detox program is one that includes eating a healthy, whole foods diet while eliminating certain foods from your diet. But if you’re not ready to tackle that yet, you can start by making small changes to your family meals by adding “fresh” ingredients.
Greens are a good place to start. They help purify our blood, improve liver and kidney function, while helping to strengthen our immune system by promoting healthy intestinal flora. Water is another helpful tool as it not only hydrates us but helps carry toxins through our body for elimination. You can help minimize toxins all year long by making small changes to the foods you eat
When you are ready for deeper benefits, you’ll want to try a whole foods detox program to help your body rejuvenate itself. It’s a great way to keep your immune system healthier and your body will thank you!