by L Young | Jun 22, 2015 | Blog
Thirst seems to come naturally when we’re living in this summer heat of 100+ degree weeks. So how do we choose the drinks that fit our needs without the added sugar and calories, and make it delicious too? Your activity level and location will make a difference in your choices, but no matter what the outdoor temperature is, there is always one choice we can learn to love (water). Learn the differences and why the most popular option may not always be the best…
Sports drinks have become the drink of choice for many, from athletes, parents, and even children who may be swayed by the commercials and bright array of colors, but are they the best option? With a name like “sports drink” it’s easy to assume that it’s a healthy option in providing much needed electrolytes. After all, what could be the harm in drinking something related to sports? First let’s take a look at what many sports drinks are made of, then “5 tips” that are sure to have you enjoying delicious, healthier options!
by L Young | Jun 3, 2015 | Blog
One of my summer favorite foods has just come into season here in eastern North Carolina, the blueberry. It is quickly becoming nature’s little wonder food, known for its delicious flavor and its ever increasing health benefits. Let’s take a look at some of the newer research results, the best way to buy, enjoy, and store for year long indulgence…
Studies continue to emerge showing this little berry to have some of the highest benefits of the super foods.
by L Young | May 27, 2015 | Blog
Motivation can be tricky and holding on to it can be even more challenging, but how about tapping into your inner child? Do you have a childhood experience that was a defining moment in your life or something you enjoyed so much it made you giddy with laughter?
Mine revolved around two wheels and a feeling of freedom, graduating from training wheels to a true “two wheeler”! It may not sound like a big deal, but I remember that day like it was yesterday when I rode to the corner of our street with training wheels raised and never touching the ground the entire way. I proceeded to ride back home the same way with my brother riding behind me as my witness. My father was a tough sell when it came to removing those training wheels (after too many scrapes & stitches), but after much convincing they were removed, and this started my life of fitness and that feeling of freedom my bicycle brought me.
Fast forward to now, I rediscovered bike riding in recent years, have covered tens of thousands of miles, and still enjoy that wonderful sense of freedom each time. Exercise…it sure doesn’t feel like it because you see, I still enjoy feeling the wind on my face and that feeling of freedom. Then after the ride; it’s that awesome feeling of accomplishment, focus, and energy while having finished my fitness for the day, without feeling like it was a chore, that keeps me wanting to do it again.
How does this help create lasting change?
by L Young | May 13, 2015 | Blog
Are my supplements helping or hurting my health? This is the big question with the latest crack-down on several major supplement companies. Choosing the most cost effective supplements doesn’t necessarily mean quality. In my recent article about food ingredients I discussed the hidden culprits that can affect our focus, anxiety, mood, and overall well-being, but what if you discovered this not only applies to food? Yes, our supplements can also be adulterated leading to ill effects to many people.
Recently in the news, several major supplement companies were exposed for the quality of their product as well as the quantity. There are two issues; one is the actual quantity of the nutrients it claims to contain on the label. The second is the added ingredients that the average person wouldn’t expect to find in their supplements with some not even listed on the label.
by L Young | Apr 29, 2015 | Blog
Can stress be fun? Definitely not the stress but finding fun ways to calm your mind and body can be. Let’s face it, as women (mom or not) lifes demands of trying to care for others and do it all can put a big strain on our health, energy, and immune system. With mother’s day coming up, as well as honoring ALL women, I want to share a wonderful tool I use every day to keep calm and feel uplifted, even while cleaning my house. It’s the many uses and scents of essential oils.
The ancient therapeutic remedies of essential oils are becoming increasingly popular, with recent studies showing how certain oils have the ability to reach receptors to the brain, improving mood, sleep, anxiety; all important factors in reducing stress which is one of the top contributors of inflammation. Many people start out using the wonderful relaxing oils like Lavender or Serenity (a lavender blend) then slowly discover the many ways to incorporate them into other areas of your home, office, and life. Here are two favorites that keep me uplifted at daytime & relaxed at night!